White Custom Wood Shutters w/ 3.75" Louvers


Custom solid wood shutters - 17 available $200 each
Roughly $2,500 new per 3 panel set

Light ware on a few of the shutters but most are in great condition.
End shutters are notched on backside for window cranks.

(measurements are approximate)

Bedroom 1:
26.75x62 - 1 available
26.25×62 - 1 available
26.75×62 - 1 available
27×62” - 2 available (singles)

Bedroom 2:
27x62 - 1 available
26.5x62 - 1 available
27x62 - 1 available

Bedroom 3:
27.25x62 - 1 available
26x62 - 1 available
27.25x62 - 1 available

Bedroom 4:
26.5x62 - 1 available
26.5x62 - 1 available
26.5x62 - 1 available

Bedroom 5:
26.5x62 - 1 available
26.25x62 - 1 available
26.5x62 - 1 available

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